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Why Solar Stocks Are Rallying Against All Odds

  • by Staff Writer

If you are getting all of your information about stocks from the news, you are probably a bit too late. If you want to take what you heard on the news and use it to decide what to do with your stocks or with the stock market in general, this isn’t the best idea. The news tells bad news, and they also tend to go over the material before they actually deliver it. Even if you read about it, that’s probably not good enough either.

Key Takeaways:

  • Despite recent bad press around solar, solar stocks have been doing very well.
  • The smart money recognizes that solar still has a bright future.
  • Many everyday investors lost sight of the big picture and panic sold their solar stocks.

“Morgan Stanley (MS) analysts also projected a 48% drop in residential solar demand for the second quarter! For the third and fourth quarters, it’s forecasting declines of 28% and 17%, respectively.”

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