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Surprising Findings: Oil and Gas Operations Turning to Renewables at Unprecedented Rate

  • by Staff Writer

Many gas and oil companies are beginning to use renewable energy sources for their operations in obtaining the gas and oil. Two big factors encouraging this switch are the pressure stock holders are putting on companies to move to renewable energy and the price of using renewable energy has been dropping. The biggest block is the initial set up of the renewable energy framework in each location, but the trend of seeing lower carbon emissions at each location that uses the renewable energy is encouraging.

Key Takeaways:

  • Oil and gas companies are using renewable energy to extract their products.
  • While only a few operations use renewable energy sources, the numbers are growing.
  • Companies are turning to renewable energy for a number of reasons such as pressure from stakeholders.

“Oil and gas field operations are beginning to be fueled by a surprising source — renewable energy, according to new research by IHS Markit, an information and analytics company.”

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